
Providing funding and support to Barnard students interested in interning during the summer at organizations that advance the public interest — as well as access to the annual Liman Colloquium at Yale Law School.


迎接2023年 & 2024年十大电竞游戏综合排名·利曼法学院研究员


Anusha商人 is a junior at Barnard pursuing a degree in Political Science and concentration in Ethnicity and Race Studies. 作为Liman研究员, 她曾在政府问责项目担任法律实习生, assisting Senior Counsel in litigation to promote corporate and government accountability, 保护告密者, 促进言论自由. 以前, 她在哥伦比亚大学骑士第一修正案研究所工作, 进行研究以支持该组织的言论自由奖学金. 她还曾在CAIR-NY担任法律实习生, 保护公民权利,促进美国穆斯林的正义, 和她一样. 通过这项工作和利曼奖学金, Anusha has gained a passion for social justice and hopes to pursue a future career in public interest and First Amendment rights.



劳伦周, 来自马尼拉的大四学生, 菲律宾, is pursuing a major in History with a minor in Political Science on a pre-law track. 她对纽约市亚裔美国人社区的兴趣是个人的. 作为一名亚裔美国人,她大部分时间都在美国以外的地方度过, 她一直关注法拉盛, 皇后区——她的祖父母和阿姨住的地方——是她的另一个家. 作为Arthur Liman奖学金的一部分, Lauren interned under the General Counsel of the Chinese American Planning Council—an organization dedicated to empowering Asian immigrant communities in the city. 受到她经历的启发, she is channeling her passion into her senior thesis and 杰出学者 project, exploring the influence of Asian 移民 on the business landscape of Flushing, 皇后区, 1965后.


艾德琳拉森, 原产于芝加哥, 她主修社会学,辅修英语,主修人权. 今年夏天, she returned home to intern with the Legal 援助 Society of Metropolitan Family 服务, working out of the city's domestic violence courthouse with their Safety and Family practice group. 在校园, Adeline is involved with student-led 移民 justice work and the Justice-In-Education initiative at Rikers; she also plays cello with the Columbia Bach Society. 艾德琳打算在去法学院之前休息一段时间, building a foundation to ground her future legal advocacy work in the ideals of community-driven solutions and whole-person care. 



The Liman Fellowship provided Dana with the opportunity to work as a Paralegal Intern at The Brave House, 布鲁克林一家为年轻移民女性服务的非营利组织. Dana spent her summer completing an entire asylum case under supervision from the founder, 并最终在9月底提起诉讼. Dana learned so many new aspects of what public interest legal work looks like, 并且仍然与其他学校的利曼奖学金获得者保持联系.



瓜达卢佩·瓦斯奎兹是人权双学位大三学生 & 西班牙和拉丁美洲文化. She is passionate about 移民 justice and plans on pursuing law school to become an 移民 attorney. 作为Liman法律研究员, 她将在朱比利移民倡导组织实习, a San Francisco-based law firm representing the Bay Area’s most vulnerable and marginalized immigrant communities.



Ana Victoria  is a senior studying History with a concentration in Rights, Law, and the State. 她对边境监视的法律交叉点非常感兴趣, 移民, 劳动力, 以及持续的帝国主义. 安娜·维多利亚将在移民/特别诉讼小组工作 Mobilization for Justice, a NPO that provides free legal services to multi-marginalized New Yorkers.


埃斯特·帕克(Esther Park)是十大电竞游戏综合排名政治科学和宗教专业的大三学生. 为了利曼奖学金, she will be expanding her career in the field of philanthropy by working with the McNulty Foundation as a Summer Associate focusing on 项目 and Outreach.

Lanah Wyne, 25岁

Lanah是一名主修政治学和人权的大三学生. 作为一个土生土长的纽约人, Lanah has been offered many valuable experiences to get involved in her community. She is deeply committed to advancing equal access to justice through legal advocacy.


艾玛·卡内拉(Emma Kaneira)来自德克萨斯州,主修英国文学和经济学双学位. 今年夏天,她将在纽约法律援助集团实习, a non profit in NYC dedicated to providing legal services for low income New Yorkers. 此前,她是莱德法学者, and worked this past summer at the Unstable Archives research group at the University of Pennsylvania. 她希望从十大电竞游戏综合排名毕业后能上法学院.


2024年夏季申请Liman法律研究员计划现在 关闭. 申请人将于3月中旬收到申请情况通知.

The Liman法律研究员项目 offers funding and support to Barnard students who wish to work at organizations that serve the public interest. Barnard is one of only eight institutions nationwide (the others are Brown University, 布林莫尔学院, 哈佛大学, 普林斯顿大学, 斯佩尔曼学院, 斯坦福大学, and Yale University) where undergraduates are eligible to participate in this program. Liman Fellows spend a summer gaining professional experience that promotes social justice and equity in publicly-funded or nonprofit organizations or agencies. Qualifying work includes law-related services for the public — such as helping those who cannot afford attorneys — as well as advocacy and policy work that supports underserved communities.

利曼研究员将参加利曼讨论会, 每年四月在耶鲁法学院举行, 他们将在哪里加入学生, 学者, 以及来自全国各地的倡导者. 通过他们参与项目和研讨会, 研究员成为公共利益倡导者的强大网络的一部分.

Any student entering their second, third, or fourth year is eligible, regardless of their major. 申请法学院的意向不需要.

The Liman法律研究员项目 is funded by the generous support of the Liman Foundation and philanthropic contributors to the 超越十大电竞游戏综合排名实习计划.


  • $5,000 stipend; Fellows are eligible for subsidized on-campus housing at 十大电竞游戏综合排名
  • 8-10 weeks of in-person summer work at a publicly-funded or nonprofit public interest, 社会服务, 文化, 或者政府机构
  • A final report detailing a student's internship experience is due to the Liman Foundation at the end of the summer


  • 进入二、三、四年级的学生
  • 对公益服务、倡导和社会正义感兴趣
  • 承诺参加8-10周的实习
  • Desire and ability to attend the Liman Colloquium at Yale Law School (participation is required, 出席费用由世界十大电子游戏平台承担)

Note that performing clerical work for a judge or serving as an academic researcher/assistant are not eligible work experiences. 有关该计划的问题可发送至


Barnard's Liman Law Fellows have proceeded to careers at a range of institutions. 关于他们在莱曼实习的信息如下:


  • Sharmie Azurel 23年(Liman Fellows Placement: Asian American Bar of New York)
  • 维多利亚Cadostin 2013年(Liman fellow Placement: National Immigration Law Center)
  • Renata Happle 24年(Liman研究员名额:地球法中心)
  • 玛丽·英格拉姆 23年(Liman Fellows Placement: Brooklyn Defender 服务)


  • 托比海岸 22年(利曼研究员安置:青年司法网络)
  • 娜塔莉·罗曼 22年(Liman研究员安置:儿童保护基金)
  • Niharika饶 (Liman Fellows Placement: New York Legal Assistance Group)
  • 卡罗琳·科尔 1922年(Liman Fellows Placement: Cardozo Law School民权诊所)


  • 瑞秋巴尔金 22年(利曼研究员安置:新兴成人司法项目)
  • 亚历山德拉Berdon 21年(Liman Fellows Placement: 第九条,哥伦比亚大学法学院)
  • 尼基塔Samtani '21 (Liman Fellows Placement: Center for Alternative Sentencing and Employment 服务)
  • 茱莉亚Tecotzky 21年(Liman Fellows Placement: Center for Appellate Litigation)


  • Iga Szlendak 21年(Liman fellow Placement: The Legal 援助 Society)
  • 娜塔莉卡恩 20年(Liman Fellows Placement: New York Supreme Court)
  • Samaha侯赛因 20年(Liman Fellows Placement: New York Legal 援助 Society)
  • 安娜Sugrue '20 (Liman Fellows Placement: Columbia Law School Clinic on Challenging the Consequences of Mass Incarceration)


  • 智囊机构Pitcher-Murray 2019年(Liman Fellows Placement: The Door)
  • 玫瑰Reiken 20年(Liman Fellows Placement: The Children’s Law Center)
  • 露丝谢尔曼 19年(利曼研究员安置:Brett Dignam教授的法律研究, 哥伦比亚大学法学院大规模监禁诊所)
  • Shreya Sunderram ’19 Liman Fellows Placement: Legal and Policy Division of  NYC Public Advocate Letitia James’ Office, 民权调查及政策)